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Meiobenthos of 5 mangrove vegetation types at Gazi Bay (Kenya) in August 1989
Citable as data publication
Vanhove S.; Coomans A.; Vakgroep Biologie; Faculteit Wetenschappen. Ugent: Belgium; (2016): Meiobenthos of 5 mangrove vegetation types at Gazi Bay (Kenya) in August 1989. https://doi.org/10.14284/144

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Vertical distribution data of meiobenthos at Avicennia, Bruguiera, Ceriops, Rhizophora and Sonneratia and abiotic factors of the sediment sampled on the 7th of August 1989 in Gazi Bay (Kenya). The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Vanhove, S. (1990). Studie van de benthische meiofauna van vijf mangrove-vegetatietypes van Gazi Bay (Kenia)= Study of the meiobenthos of 5 mangrove vegetation types in Gazi Bay, Kenya. MSc Thesis. University of Gent: Faculty of Sciences: Gent. IX, 146, deel 2 tabellen en figuren pp. more
Vertical distribution patterns of meiobenthos and their relation to the different mangrove vegetations Avicennia, Bruguiera, Ceriops, Rhizophora and Sonneratia have been examined. The vertical distribution pattern in the sediment (to a depth of 20 cm) of density and biomass of the meiofauna, and abiotic factors such as sediment granulometry, nutrients, organic matter were used to explain the observed distribution patterns. A total of 17 taxa has been observed and high densities were encountered: Bruguiera (6707 ind/10 cm2 ), followed by Rhizophora (3998 ind/10cm2 ), Avicennia (3442 ind/10cm2 ), Sonneratia (2889 ind/10cm2 ) and Ceriops (1976 ind/10cm2 ). Nematodes dominated; the remainder was made of copepods, tubellarians, oligochaetes, polychaetes and rotifers. Other taxa were only sporadically observed, partially governed by the sediment. The data indicate high densities still occur at greater depth: 54 ind. At Avicennia 15-20 cm; 759 ind. At Bruguiera 10-15 cm; 380 ind. At Ceriops 15-22.5 cm; 37 ind. At Rhizophora 15-17 cm and 13 ind. At Sonneratia +15 cm. Particle size measurements performed for the five stations show medium sand. The mud levels reached often considerable amounts (up to 8%). Both Kjeldahl-N and total organic matter are generally more concentrated with depth. The nutrient concentrations in the depth intervals, as well as the compared sediments, show great variability. Nematode length increases with increasing depth, although important differences between the stations were observed. Length and density are invertedly related. The data of total biomass differ considerable from one station to another: Ceriops (9.10 -5g) and Sonneratia (19.10 -5g). Besides granulometry, oxygen is the most important factor influencing composition and distribution of the meiofauna.
Vertical distribution patterns of meiobenthos and their relation to the different mangrove vegetations Avicennia, Bruguiera, Ceriops, Rhizophora and Sonneratia have been examined. The vertical distribution pattern in the sediment (to a depth of 20 cm) of density and biomass of the meiofauna, and abiotic factors such as sediment granulometry, nutrients, organic matter were used to explain the observed distribution patterns. A total of 17 taxa has been observed and high densities were encountered: Bruguiera (6707 ind/10 cm2 ), followed by Rhizophora (3998 ind/10cm2 ), Avicennia (3442 ind/10cm2 ), Sonneratia (2889 ind/10cm2 ) and Ceriops (1976 ind/10cm2 ). Nematodes dominated; the remainder was made of copepods, tubellarians, oligochaetes, polychaetes and rotifers. Other taxa were only sporadically observed, partially governed by the sediment. The data indicate high densities still occur at greater depth: 54 ind. At Avicennia 15-20 cm; 759 ind. At Bruguiera 10-15 cm; 380 ind. At Ceriops 15-22.5 cm; 37 ind. At Rhizophora 15-17 cm and 13 ind. At Sonneratia +15 cm. Particle size measurements performed for the five stations show medium sand. The mud levels reached often considerable amounts (up to 8%). Both Kjeldahl-N and total organic matter are generally more concentrated with depth. The nutrient concentrations in the depth intervals, as well as the compared sediments, show great variability. Nematode length increases with increasing depth, although important differences between the stations were observed. Length and density are invertedly related. The data of total biomass differ considerable from one station to another: Ceriops (9.10 -5g) and Sonneratia (19.10 -5g). Besides granulometry, oxygen is the most important factor influencing composition and distribution of the meiofauna.
Biology > Benthos, Biology > Ecology - biodiversity
Marine/Coastal, Mangroves, Meiobenthos, Nutrients, Sediment analysis, Vegetation types, Vertical distribution, EurOBIS calculated BBOX, ISW, Kenya, Gazi Bay, Amphipoda, Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh., Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.) Lam., Calanoida, Ceriops tagal (Perr.) C.B. Robinson, Diplostraca, Collembola, Copepoda, Gastropoda, Gastrotricha, Halacaroidea Cunliffe, 1954, Insecta, Isopoda, Kinorhyncha, Nematoda, Oligochaeta, Ostracoda, Polychaeta, Rhizophora mucronata Poir., Rotifera, Sonneratia alba Sm., Tardigrada, Turbellaria
Geographical coverage
EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box
Coordinates: MinLong: 39,51; MinLat: -4,43 - MaxLong: 39,51; MaxLat: -4,43 [WGS84]
Coordinates: MinLong: 39,51; MinLat: -4,43 - MaxLong: 39,51; MaxLat: -4,43 [WGS84]
ISW, Kenya, Gazi Bay [Marine Regions]
Temporal coverage
7 August 1989
Taxonomic coverage
Amphipoda [WoRMS]
Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. [WoRMS]
Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.) Lam. [WoRMS]
Calanoida [WoRMS]
Ceriops tagal (Perr.) C.B. Robinson [WoRMS]
Diplostraca [WoRMS]
Collembola [WoRMS]
Copepoda [WoRMS]
Gastropoda [WoRMS]
Gastrotricha [WoRMS]
Halacaroidea Cunliffe, 1954 [WoRMS]
Insecta [WoRMS]
Isopoda [WoRMS]
Kinorhyncha [WoRMS]
Nematoda [WoRMS]
Oligochaeta [WoRMS]
Ostracoda [WoRMS]
Polychaeta [WoRMS]
Rhizophora mucronata Poir. [WoRMS]
Rotifera [WoRMS]
Sonneratia alba Sm. [WoRMS]
Tardigrada [WoRMS]
Turbellaria [WoRMS]
Abundance of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit area of the bed [BODC]
Ammonium (NH4+)
Depth (spatial coordinate) maximum relative to bed surface in the bed [BODC]
Depth (spatial coordinate) minimum relative to bed surface in the bed [BODC]
Dry weight biomass
Dry weight biomass (in assayed sample) of biological entity specified elsewhere [BODC]
Fresh weight
Gravel fraction
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [BODC]
Median grain size
Meiobenthos density
Mud content
Nitrate (NO3-) + Nitrite (NO2-)
Nitrite (NO2-)
Organic matter (OM)
Organic nitrogen (N)
Phosphate (PO43-)
Sand fraction
Silicon (Si)
Wet weight biomass (in assayed sample) of biological entity specified elsewhere [BODC]
Ammonium (NH4+)
Depth (spatial coordinate) maximum relative to bed surface in the bed [BODC]
Depth (spatial coordinate) minimum relative to bed surface in the bed [BODC]
Dry weight biomass
Dry weight biomass (in assayed sample) of biological entity specified elsewhere [BODC]
Fresh weight
Gravel fraction
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [BODC]
Median grain size
Meiobenthos density
Mud content
Nitrate (NO3-) + Nitrite (NO2-)
Nitrite (NO2-)
Organic matter (OM)
Organic nitrogen (N)
Phosphate (PO43-)
Sand fraction
Silicon (Si)
Wet weight biomass (in assayed sample) of biological entity specified elsewhere [BODC]
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), more, data manager
Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie, data creator, data creator
Vanhove, Sandra
Coomans, August
Coomans, August
Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Onderzoeksgroep Mariene Biologie (MARBIOL), more, data creator
Vincx, Magda
Related datasets
Parent dataset:
Historical Kenyan-Belgian research datasets (1873-1999)
Published in:
EurOBIS: European Ocean Biodiversity Information System
Based on this dataset
Vanhove, S. (1990). Studie van de benthische meiofauna van vijf mangrove-vegetatietypes van Gazi Bay (Kenia) = Study of the meiobenthos of 5 mangrove vegetation types in Gazi Bay, Kenya. MSc Thesis. University of Gent: Faculty of Sciences: Gent. IX, 146, deel 2 tabellen en figuren pp.
Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Research: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2015-10-22
Information last updated: 2016-05-12