The in-situ data in the ISECA Web Application Server (WAS), are the result of cross-border collaboration within the project. Overall, they constitute a combination of historical data (pre-ISECA) and data collected during the project life (2011-2014). In order to provide a comparable tool across the different partners, that at the same time fulfil the user requirements for Eutrophication detection; a sub-set of variables has been selected to be included in the WAS. The variables selected by the consortium for eutrophication monitoring and detection were: temperature, salinity, phytoplankton chlorophyll-a concentration, total suspended matter concentration, dissolved nutrients (NO2, NO2+NO3, NH4, SiOH4, PO4) and phytoplankton counts of species indicating of eutrophication. For the ISECA region, Phaeocystis globosa and the sum of all Phaeocystis were selected. In addition to the basic set of variables, an extended range of variables was monitored by PML following recommendations from users (D.1.2 User Requirements for the Remote sensing of Eutrophication in the 2Seas coastal waters).The first part of this report summarises the overall sampling techniques and basic data processing steps for the new data collected during ISECA by PML. Detailed methods description and quality control are described in other parts of this Deliverable (Protocols and Quality Control Guidelines). |