Adjusted tidal barrier management (ATBM, setting tidal doors ajar during tidal rise) is currently applied in Belgium to improve glass eel passage through tidal gates. However, salt intrusion in the receiving waters due to upwelling and accumulation of saline groundwater as a result of intensive drought put severe pressure on the unrestrained use of this cost-efficient mitigation measure. We evaluated the efficacy of a very restricted ATBM at a tidal barrier on a small canalized waterway, located 3.5 km from the sea: one out of seven gate doors was left 20 cm ajar for ca. 30 min when the water levels on both sides of the tidal barrier were approximately equal. During 20 inflow events differing in tidal flow (i.e., flood or ebb tide) and daytime (i.e., day or night) in March/April 2019, migrating glass eels were caught with a fyke net fixed on the temporally opened gate. In total, 12,853 glass eels were captured, almost all during flood tides at night (96%), with a maximum catch of 3,827 individuals per inflow event. These results show that even small windows of opportunity can help glass eels pass tidal barriers. |