Microplastic deposition in soft marine sediments raises concerns on their role in sediment habitats and unknown effects on resident macrobenthic communities. To assess the reciprocal influence that MPs and macrobenthos might have on each other, we performed a mesocosm experiment with ambient concentrations of environmental Polyethylene (PE) and a non-manipulated, natural macrobenthic community from the Belgian part of the North Sea (BPNS). Our results show that PE fragments increase mortality of abundant bivalves (specifically Abra alba) after 30 days of exposure but not for the most abundant polychaete Owenia fusiformis, possibly due to its predominant suspension feeding behavior. Fast burial of surface MPs exposes deep-dwelling burrowers to the pollutant, however reducing the amount of MPs interacting with (sub) surface living fauna. We conclude that macrobenthos promotes the sequestration of deposited MPs, counteracting resuspension, and can have cascading effects on biodiversity due to their effect on abundant and functionally important species. |